Africa’s Youth the future

I love poetry, mopoetry1nologues, spoken word and alike. It takes one to a whole new place of self discovery, the way words intertwine and caress you with meaning.

Lloyd is one of my favourite budding poets and I will occasionally post his writings.

Bear with me I’m still finiding my way around this blog thingymajid. I’m loving the different posts I find on here and the connections being made. Much luv

Guest Blogger – Lloyd Elipokea

The old bards of the continent like Okot p’Bitek, Chinue Achebe and most recently Elechi Amadi have sadly left us bereft of their unique lyricism and sagacity. How we need them now in these uncertain times.

The continent’s teeming Youths, then, must point the way towards a hopefully rosy Future For Africa. From beauty Queens like Tanzanian Happiness Magese who use their irresistible glamour to promote dismissed, neglected social causes to the exciting New generation of African Wordsmiths like the Kenyan Writer Billy Kahora, the Continent’s youths are earnestly at work on building upon the sturdy foundation laid by their forefathers.

Yes, African youths are increasingly aware that the continent’s precious future lies in their hands, a really weighty responsibility indeed.